Home Air Purifiers Can Improve Your Immune System

Unknown Illness

When you are stricken by illness for unknown reasons, you may want to check the quality of air in your home. The air pollution level inside your house may be the underlying cause of your sickness.

Bacteria and viruses like the Coronavirus (COVID-19) may already be in the air. Dust and pollen from plants may also be present in it. The air may even contain dander (skin flakes) from your pet. Chemicals released by household items may also be present in the air.

You risk getting respiratory diseases when you inhale these microorganisms and contaminants. Children have a higher risk of developing allergies, hay fever, and asthma. People with already weakened respiratory systems are also at high risk of getting sick. It is even much easier for seniors to get sick from inhaling contaminated air.

Allergens exposure

You may be a healthy individual, but you can also be at risk from repeated exposure to these allergens. Inhaling toxic chemicals present in the air may also cause lung cancer. Some illnesses caused by polluted air can even last for a lifetime.

There are findings that show air pollution can suppress the immune system’s T-cells. These cells are responsible for regulating the immune system. Low levels of these cells can cause asthma and lung inflammation. A weakened immune system may also be the cause of allergies.

Respiratory and immune systems

People with compromised respiratory and immune systems need to live in clean surroundings. The home must be free from air pollutants so that their health won’t get worse.

You may do all that you can to improve the quality of air in your home. You may become diligent in your cleaning. You may introduce more ventilation to the house. You can install exhaust fans. You may even remove carpets and change bed sheets and curtains more often. You may even disinfect your home. But these actions do not eradicate air pollutants completely. Only air purifiers can clean up the air for you.

Air purifiers remove harmful particles and chemicals from the air.

You lessen your chances of getting sick when you install an air purifier in your home. Bacteria and viruses are also filtered. The well-being of people with compromised immune systems improves over time.

How Air purifiers work

Air purifiers work by passing the air in your home through a filtration system. The filtered air then circulates back in your room.

HEPA(High-Efficiency Particulate Arresting) filters trap dust and other microscopic particles. Some air purifiers use UV light. This is effective in killing off bacteria and some viruses. Some air purifiers use activated carbon to remove particles and unpleasant odors. Ionizers are air purifiers that put a positive charge on negative charged airborne particles. These make the particles heavier causing them to either fall on the floor or stick to surfaces. UV and Ionizers produce Ozone which can also be detrimental to one’s health.


Experts recommend a combination of several purification systems. A single type of air purification system cannot filter all air contaminants completely. There are purifiers that have benefits but release harmful Ozone. The safest combination is HEPA with carbon filtration. But there are also a few models which do not produce Ozone like the Sharp models with Plasmacluster. Just have in mind that these systems are quite expensive.



It is wise to invest in an air purifier especially if you or a loved one has a poor immune system. An air purifier improves the air quality of your home and the quality of your life.

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. High-End Air Purifier/Anti-allergen with HEPA Filter for your Home – Philips AC3256/30
  2. High-End Air Purifier with Real-Time Air Quality Feedback for your Home – Philips AC2889/60 Series 2000i
  3. Tower Air Purifier for Large Room – Levoit LV-H133
  4. Portable Air Purifier Ioniser – No Allergies, Bacteria, Cigarette Smoke
  5. Air Purifier with High Efficiency and Particulate Air Filter for your Home or Office –  GEARGO


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